Saturday, April 10, 2010

It's been a while...

Almost 2 months to be exact, YIKES! Sorry that things have been so crazy, I just can't get around to blogging as much anymore. Figures this was supposed to be an outlet during the deployment but it's been going so smoothly that I feel like I don't even need it as much. Anyway, I'll give a little update on my life.

Nothing else really exciting happened in February after my last post (at least that I can think of). Let's see Valentine's Day came and went, I was thankful and it was one month down with the deployment and I was also very thankful to have made it a month through.

March was nice because I went to visit Steph in NC for spring break, I love it down there. I had a blast and can't wait to go bck and visit in either May or July but definitely August. I always said if I could move anywhere in the US that's where it would be. However, I haven't ever visited California, but I'm sure that if I visited there I would fall in love with it as well.

April has been crazy already. Easter weekend I went home and went to a family function on Friday, Saturday and 3 on Sunday! I love being busy. It just makes everything so much easier. I hadn't gotten a phone call in about 3 weeks so I was really happy when Dan called yesterday, I also got my first letter. I forgot how awesome it felt to hear his voice and for him to make me laugh and smile in only a way he can. Phillies season is here and hallelujah for that :D So far this season they're 3-1 which is a great start and I can't wait to go to a game. Taylor turns 21 on Monday and I'm really excited for him. This month is going pretty well so far! And a week from today is 3 months down, yay! Brooke (Taylor's girlfriend) and Rhiannon (Brooke and Taylor's best friend) are coming up next weekend, that will be fun. The following weekend is Blue/White Weekend and my dad and brother and whoever else is coming in the RV (possibly my dogs, that should be interesting if they come) will arrive on the 22nd and everyone else will arrive on the 23rd or for the game on the 24th. Such a fun weekend. The last week of school is the following week and I'm done April 30th!

School has been going really well. I have A's in all my classes which is really surprising to me because I thought this semester was going to be really hard. My biggest assignment a 40 book log I got a 97, I was pretty pumped to get that grade. There's only 3 weeks left in the semester and I can't wait for April 30th and to be done. Woot!

The deployment has been going really smoothly and I can't wait to be halfway done which is May 2nd, 3 weeks from tomorrow! :) Dan calls me when he can and emails or facebooks me (now that they can use it) when he can as well, which ranges from daily to every other day or it's even gone 5 days, but no biggie, I survive and I know he's ok! August already seems so close it's overwhelming to think about.

This summer I'm keeping busy by working at a day camp starting June 7th. I have the whole month of May off and I'm trying to plan some things to do. I would really love to go visit Steph again, and at the moment I'm thinking the first week of May would be great for that before her homecoming. June is working and my dad's birthday and Christian's graduation from high school. I can't believe my baby brother is graduating and there's none of us left in high school. July is his grad party/my 21st birthday party on the 10th and I turn 21 on the 13th! I can't wait, even though it's a Tuesday, we'll probably go out after work to happy hour or something. Then a few weeks later is Steph's wedding on July 24th. I would just go down for the weekend so I could get my time off for Dan's homecoming which August is about a week after that! :D It will be a busy but fast summer.

Well that's the update on my life, I'll definitely start blogging more often now, it was really nice to just get all that written out. Have a fantastic rest of the weekend everyone!