Thursday, May 5, 2011


I am certainly not a fan of sitting at home all day by myself. I try to leave enough chores for me to do throughout the day, but it's never enough. I just want a job. I have never been more motivated to find one, but I feel like nowhere is hiring. Come on people, I have a bachelor's in Elementary Education and I can't even apply to sub. How does that work?!

Anyway, so if anyone wants to get together, I'm free; all day, every day. Oh, except I have my first doctor's appointment at the Naval Clinic next Thursday at 10:10, but hopefully that won't take up too much of my day.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

We're married!

Why hello there blog world, how I've missed being around. It's been a crazy four months. Dan and I are officially married, so that makes me a part of the strongest bunch of women I know: A Marine Corps wife. We got married on April 23, 2011. It was raining (by raining I mean literally pouring rain) when I woke up that morning and I could honestly say I wasn't even too worked up about it. I figured at that point whatever happens happens. The rain stopped sometime during my hair/makeup appointment, which ended up taking 3 hours, yikes! At least the results were well worth it :) I was so happy with the way I looked.

It wasn't raining as I got to the country club where we had the ceremony and reception, which made me feel optimistic. The venue director asked me if we wanted to have the wedding outside, which I decided against, because it still looked gloomy. I spent the next hour getting dressed, primping, taking pictures and pacing before it was my turn to walk down the aisle.

I would honestly have to say that was the longest walk of my life. I don't know why, but I was so nervous. I was mainly nervous about saying my vows, because I'm terrible at public speaking. But after those doors opened, I took a deep breath and made the plunge. My Marine was finally waiting for me. I kept my composure until I passed my grandmother, who was bawling. I stopped to give her a hug (I don't even know if that's typical, but  I didn't care it was my day). After the hug, I continued on and made it to Dan who couldn't take the smile off his face. We mouthed a few his and I love yous throughout the beginning of the ceremony, then it was our turn to say our vows.

Dan went first and it was honestly the most beautiful thing he has ever written. I actually just found his vow book and read all the scratch copies. Very cute. Anyway, so I made it through that without crying and then started my own vows and didn't cry then. Everyone was placing bets on how long it would take me to cry. Nothing yet. Blah blah blah, the ceremony goes on, we exchange rings and are pronounced husband and wife.

Onto pictures. We have a HUGE family, so taking pictures was quite hectic, but when I finally just got to spend some alone time with Dan it was wonderful. We made it back to get introduced for the first time as Dan and Tori Kline. First dance, we danced to "Hold On" by Michael Buble. We are horrible dancers. Then dinner was served and I had my dance with my dad. That's when I cried. He made a mix for us to dance to of many songs that he found inspirational and popular. It was quite the surprise. My dad even cried, too. I was moved.

The reception was amazing! Definitely a blur now, but so much fun! I have never seen that many people on the dance floor at a wedding. Dad was feeling a little generous (and after talking to the CFO aka Deb, my stepmom and his wife) they extended for an hour. It was honestly the best day ever and I couldn't have asked for more of a fairy tale.  If you're interested in pictures, here's the link. I used a lot for my new blog look, but enjoy :) Click here to see wedding pictures!

No honeymoon for us thanks to the Marine Corps, but we had a wonderful time at home. We're currently now moved into our new house. It's a 2 bedroom, 2 bath duplex and we're enjoying our "honeymoon". We do plan on taking one after the next deployment, which will probably be around our first wedding anniversary! I will for sure post pictures of the house soon. We ordered a bedroom set that comes in two weeks, so we've been sleeping on an air mattress. Needless to say, our backs are in pain!

So, this is goodbye, for now at least. I need to go finish dinner for the night. I already made pulled pork earlier (it already tastes delicious) and have to make the baked beans and a veggie! I hope to blog more now that I'm settled and have internet. Next up on my agenda, finding a job!

Day 31 - FINISHED! (Only took 4 months!)

Here it is, the picture of me. I'd have to say it's a new personal favorite of mine!

So much has changed in the past 4 months, I'm writing an update in a few!