Friday, July 22, 2011


So, it's been a week and a day since my last post. Tomorrow will be ten days down with 20ish to go. I'm so ready for this deployment to just be started and get it over with. I hate that workups don't count toward the deployment time. It would be so nice if the Marine Corps were that nice and allowed that.

I've kept so busy, I'm running on high octane fuel. I can't wait to actually have a day where I don't leave my house and just sit and read. Hopefully soon! Next week, I'm working every day. A crazy schedule to say the least, but I'm glad I'll be occupied.

Just a few minutes ago, I was unloading the dishwasher. It made me feel sad. I'm not even sure why. I guess because it's something Dan and I typically do together. However, no matter how sad I may get, I realize it's all of those little things, like unloading the dishwasher and doing laundy and still finding his, that make this worthwhile, all because I know that I'll get him back. I also remember how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.

This lifestyle isn't permanent, but this love is. I'm so thankful to have the most wonderful and supportive husband who keeps me motivated that I can do this. I can stay here and survive. Some days are easier than others, but at the end of the day we're one day closer to being together. It also comforts me that there are women here that are going through the same thing. I have amazing friends who also support me and I support them. Without this support, getting through the days would be a little harder. I can't wait till  I get to turn the page and finish this chapter in my life, and luckily I get to take you all with me, because your support is always there.

This post is a bunch of rambling, I don't even know if anyone reads my blog, but to my friends: thank you for keeping me sane and my eye on the prize.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Deployment Mode

Yes, I realize it's been forever. Sorry about that! I hope to get a little bit more into blogging now that we're officially in deployment mode. Dan left yesterday morning at 0300 for Mojave Viper until August 14th or 15th. The positives: we'll get seps pay, this is preparing me for what it will be like to be living alone, I have some amazing friends here and I'm working so it'll keep me busy. The negatives: the house is eerily quiet (though, it's never really loud), Oliver is sad and looking for daddy (and misbehaving a little bit :P), and I'm a little lonely.

The biggest negative was that he left on my birthday. I'm definitely not a fan of that. We did get to celebrate a little bit on the 12th: he cooked me dinner and got me birthday cake ice cream, which we lit a candle and sang. We did get to spend 3 hours together, which is more than any time I've spent with him in the three birthdays we've been together.

Yesterday for my birthday, I went out for lunch with my friends Jenn and Karin and their kids! We went to Red Robin and it was delicious. Then I came home and let Oliver out and relaxed for a few. Kristi came and picked me up and we went to the Maritime Museum to see the new Blackbeard exhibit, since they just found The Queen Anne's Revenge. The kids got pretty antsy, so we had to leave there. Then we went to see her new puppy at the breeder. She's 3 weeks old and SO cute. They get her August 6th, so we have something to look forward to right before the guys come home. That's only 3 weeks away, which is awesome! We got this :) We went out to dinner at Ruddy Ducks on the Morehead City waterfront and it was delicious. We ended our day at the beach around 7:30 until 9, which was SO nice. I heard from Dan there and he ended up calling me back around 11:40, so it was nice to go to bed after being on the phone with him. He's a sweetheart, he really is.

I think it feels so different this training, because we're not used to being apart anymore. I just hope that that feeling changes and we get into real deployment mode. We're both sick (sinus infection (still) for me and not sure what for Dan) and want each other. Of course, that's something we can't have. However, we're so lucky to be able to talk on the phone. It comforts me that we can at least do that. I guess it's different because I'm also 500 miles away from home and not having school to focus on. I'm sure I'll fall into a routine and this month will fly by! Yesterday already did. We're 2 days down. Can't wait to see my boy and have him reunited with his little family.

Hope everyone is doing great! I think I'm going to start the 30 Day Military Spouse Challenge or something like that, that everyone was doing. Or just even writing every day, we'll see!