Thursday, August 11, 2011

Big green weenie strikes again

I know, I know: Semper Gumby is the motto of a Marine wife. But, of course, I'm one of those people who gets really excited about the little things and my mind being stuck that Saturday was our big day. I just kept thinking, "I deserve this, he'll be home on the first flight. A month later for a birthday celebration is ok, right?" WRONG.

The big green weenie has struck again. I will be waiting until sunrise on Sunday morning to welcome my husband home. A lovely twelve whole hours after all of my friends welcome their husbands home. While they're nestled in their beds, I'll be waiting anxiously at the squadron. At least the outcome is worth it.

I feel like we always have the worst luck with the Marine Corps. If it wasn't painful enough for them to leave on my birthday, it's more painful to have my friends text me to make sure I know that my husband isn't coming home with theirs on Saturday, but he will, in fact, be coming home on Sunday. Well thanks for the big slap in the face. It stings pretty bad.

I understand it's a whopping 12 hours less that I get with my husband, but for being messed around with so much, isn't there anything that can make up for it? Yes, it would be getting the past three years of waiting on pins and needles back. However, that won't happen. We won't get these times spent apart back. I won't get to spend as much time with my husband as I'd like before he leaves for a seven month deployment.

There is something we get out of it though...

We get to be together forever, no more involuntary separation after the Marine Corps. We get to be an extremely strong couple who has gone through more than many, many couples have ever gone through. In fact, we will have gone through more than 99% of relationships, since the military wife makes up less than 1% of the population in the United States. We get a reunion: that first hug, kiss, all your worries for the past 7 months gone in an instant. For that, I am extremely grateful and I know we will overcome anything the Corps throws at us, especially deployment.

I've got a newfound faith today, remembering that 1 year ago on this day I was welcoming my then boyfriend home from deployment. It was the happiest day of my life. So much has changed since then, but I know it's for the better. I am now a Marine wife. I now live 500 miles away from my family. I, again, have something to look forward to in 3 days and in 9 months (ha, ha, not prego! Just homecoming :P ). Most of all, I know that I made the right choice in this lifestyle, because it's the reunion that makes the title of "Marine wife" worth while.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Time flies when...

You work and make plans every day, so much that you don't even know what day it is. I obviously know today is Sunday, thanks to my phone. But, earlier in the week I realized that the days just seem to blend together and go really fast when you have something to keep you occupied at all times.

We pretty much dominated this work up! So glad that it's almost over. I actually got to FaceTime with my handsome hubby yesterday morning. He has a very ugly mustache, but thankfully it'll be gone when he gets back.

Work has been great! I got a review from my supervisor that said I am doing an excellent job! I am so excited to be working, when especially I know that I couldn't find a job this good at home. I just hope to keep up the good work.

Nothing much other than that has been going on. Today, I got a call from my sister that my grandmother (my almost 85-year-old grandmother who still works) took a fall and they were taking her to the hospital. Well come to find out she's getting emergency surgery on her elbow because she fractured it. This is the first time in 45 years that she has been to the doctor. She doesn't believe in them. If you could spare her a few prayers that would be wonderful! She's a very strong woman and I know she will recover fully!

My Danny comes home on Saturday. Oliver coincidentally has a hair cut that day and I feel like I'll be running around like a mad woman trying to get things situated. It'll be fun! Tomorrow, I'm going to get a dress for our dining out with my friend Kate! I can't wait to find something that I like :)

Hope this finds you all well and those going through deployments, you rock! I realized how fast this month has gone by and I can't wait to kick real deplyoment butt!