Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 01

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts

1. I'm terribly impatient. Don't let that fool you though, I've found a profound sense of patience when dealing with my fiance being a Marine. It's just waiting on the mundane, every day things that I have a lack of patience for.

2. Even though I'm impatient, I'm going to be an elementary teacher. I told myself that I would never in a million years want to be a teacher, but I ended up knowing that's exactly what I wanted to do.

3. I'm a lefty.

4. I have a biological brother and sister, as well as 4 step-brother's at my dad's house and 2 step-brother's at my mom's house.

5. I'm getting married on April 23, 3 days after my last day as a college student. Call me crazy, but I call it an adventure.

6. Wedding planning is for the birds and definitely not my thing, but I'm now trying to have fun with it.

7. I'm moving to North Carolina after I get married. I'm scared to death, but don't tell anyone else that. The thing that worries me the most is that I'm going to be living alone during a deployment and my family is 500 miles away. Living there is going to be worth the two and a half long years apart, though.

8. I always told myself that I wasn't going to date someone in the military. Now, I'm head over heels for a Marine and survived a deployment.

9. My biggest fear is tornadoes. Basically, even when it just thunderstorms, I'm a scaredy cat.

10. Dan (my fiance) and I have technically known each other for a very long time. My dad was his baseball coach when he was in third grade. My mom was his fourth grade teacher. Flash forward about 10 years and we meet again working together at CVS. The first time I saw him working I thought, "Wow, who's the cute new kid?" Throw in some flirting and relationships that didn't work, lose contact during boot camp, see him over boot leave and he accidentally gives me the wrong number (it was a typo on Facebook), lose contact over MCT, find each other again on Facebook. The rest is history :)

1 comment:

  1. I told myself the same thing!! I said I was never going to be with a guy in the military and now Ross and I have been married 5 years. :) It's so funny how things end up!
