Saturday, January 29, 2011

Taking a break from the challenge for a post

It's time I've done some self reflection.  My relationship has been, well I don't really know how to describe it. I wouldn't say it's rocky, because it's definitely not anything to worry about, but I would say we've just been peeved with each other lately.  The distance is wearing us thin. Two years away from someone you love is obviously not the ideal situation (while I know I shouldn't complain because at least I did get to see him in those two years and it could have been worse); we are just so close to being able to finally be together and be normal.

Normal is a pretty relative term and one could argue that with the Marine Corps, life is never normal.  However, I feel as though being able to live together (minus deployments and trainings) will make us the "normal" couple I've been striving for us to be.

My biggest difficulty right now has been dealing with the being apart, not only physically, but also even if we can't talk. It's like I have this terrible separation anxiety that I can't get rid of. I feel even weaker with him being in the States than the seven months he was deployed. I just don't understand what is making me feel this way. The problem started after he came back from deployment; I have no idea what triggered it in me. You would think that after deployment I would have been able to handle things better, but not really at all. I now handle everything ten times worse.

The smallest things get to me. For example, tonight. I wasn't feeling well this afternoon. I was asked to babysit and hadn't had the chance to talk to Dan all day. I just wanted to talk to him, but literally seconds after him finally waking up and getting on AIM, he announces he's going out tonight. That really irked me.  The whole going out without me thing really has been irking me. It's not that I don't trust him either, because I do 150% I just have that awful anxiety issue. (I am a self-diagnosed hypochondriac, though).

This issue is eating away at me and more importantly, my relationship. Something needs to be done. I feel as though venting about it here might do the trick, I certainly hope so. Maybe it will bring some type of advice from someone who has been in a similar situation. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for, but here it is world. This is why I've been so out of it.

ETA: I just found this and I think I'm going to try it, I wanted to try "The Love Dare" when we got married. But for all you Marine wives, fiances, and girlfriends out there, I bet you'd love it. You can even do it if he's not deployed... Deployment Love Dare

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