Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 17

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

There are quite a few things...

Oaks Elementary School.

This is where I'm student teaching for the semester and I'll spend a lot of my time there. It's like having a full time job, just being a student still.  I really like the school and would love to have a job there one day when I come back from NC.

MCAS Cherry Point.

This is where I'll be moving to once we get married. House hunting and deciding things from 500 miles away is no fun, but it's going to be very worth it. Not to mention the job hunting and staying there during the upcoming deployment, but it will become home because that's where my love is.

And lastly...

Our wedding.

This is the most time consuming thing ever. I am beginning to hate planning things. They say you're supposed to have fun planning your wedding, but I am not. All the little things are getting to me, but it's ok, the end result will be very worth it. I will be married to the love of my life and finally moving with him! Now, if the Marine Corps would love to cooperate with my plan, that too would make it all better.

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