Monday, December 28, 2009

What a busy past couple weeks...

I have been such a horrible blogger. I haven't updated recently at all because I of course procrastinate and have been running around getting stuff ready for the holiday which is over now. I'm kinda bummed it's all over but that's ok. I've been working my full time job so that's been getting in the way of being able to blog, which is a bad excuse. But the holidays crept up on me. Well after I blogged on the 16th nothing really happened until we got snow on the 19th, which was so awesome! Here, we got about 15 inches. I loved it. On Sunday the 20th, we had our usual family dinner at Mommom's and it was so great being with the family. Nothing much really happened the next couple days except for working, until Christmas Eve.

Let me start by saying Christmas Eve is my absolute favorite holiday and I love it because of the anticipation of Christmas. So, I got up pretty early and decided to flat iron my hair which is always a chore but it was for the holiday. Meanwhile, Dan had told me he was going to be at work all day, so I figured I would just video chat with him after we both got done work. He wasn't coming home for Christmas because he has his pre-deployment leave on the 30th. I asked him about his plans and of course I was awfully sad for him since he wasn't going to be home. Anyway, I went to work and was in such a great mood. I didn't really do much on account of the half day. After I got home from work, I started to help out with getting things ready for dinner, but then decided to go to the CVS Christmas Party (I used to work there and am still close with all the management staff and am always invited to the parties). That was really fun, I talked to everyone for 2 hours and ate a small lunch. I decided to ride up to my uncle and aunt's house to say hi really quick and meet my aunt's sister's new puppy, Molly. She is so cute. Finally, I made my way home to my dad's to begin the festivities there. When I got there, my uncle, aunt and cousins were there with their new puppy, too. She's also adorable. My grandparents were there too and it was nice to see them. I rarely see my dad's side of the family so it's always a treat to see them. Everyone came and we ate our dinner which as usual was delicious. I was just hanging out with my family and we were being goofy and taking pictures by the tree and all when my cousin Breanna looks out the window and says "Tori, that looks like Dan out there." I proceeded to say, "Breanna, there is no way that Dan can be home right now." I got pretty annoyed, because he had told me he wasn't coming home for Christmas at all. So people walk in the door and I'm nosey and want to see who it is and my family is going OMG and of course I walk out and see Dan standing in the dining room. I was sooooo happy, I couldn't stop smiling, It was the best Christmas present anyone could ask for. My Aunt Pat started to cry and everyone says I was crying, but I really wasn't. We then went to Dan's house and surprised his family, who no one knew was coming home. That was really nice because we walked in while his uncle was walking in and joked around and everyone was like woah where did you come from haha. Dan also gave me my Christmas present, which was a heart necklace. It has two hearts and the inner heart has diamonds in it and it's white gold. The two hearts are him and I because our thing is he's got my heart. He's so thoughtful. To end the night we went to midnight mass with my Mommom and sister, it was so long, but very nice. I dropped Dan off at home and went to my house to wait on Santa! lol.

Christmas morning, I woke up a little too early (around 630) and Santa hadn't finished brining his presents yet so I waited in the kitchen. Around 8 everyone was told to be up and we started opening presents around 830 and finished around 10. We go one by one from youngest to oldest and then snake back down. We each get 10 presents. I got the Uggs I asked for and a bunch of clothes. That was really nice since I didn't ask for much of anything other than the Uggs, there was nothing I really wanted. I got the best present anyone could ask for the previous night. After opening presents and watching the Hangover as a family, we went to my mom's and opened presents. There I just got some odds and ends and some stuff I could use for up at the house at school. We also got money to buy ourselves things we needed. I was happy with all the presents I got. At my mom's we had a Christmas lunch with my mom, stepdad, my siblings, my stepbrothers and my stepdad's mom and my Mommom. We had traditional turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc. Lunch was around two, and I stayed in my PJs all day and decided to finally get ready to go to my uncle's house. My aunt cooked prime rib and that was phenomenal. Dan came with me and there we played with the kids and ate dinner. I love my family and boyfriend. I couldn't believe how amazing of a Christmas it turned out to be.

The past couple days I've been spending with Dan. He was supposed to leave early yesterday but his flight got cancelled and the first one out was today at 3, so he took it. On Saturday, we just hung out at his house and we also went to the mall and it was so crowded. I hated it. Then we went out to a late dinner with his sister and brother-in-law. It was fun. Sunday we woke up early and Dan had his dad drive him to the airport and that's when they found out about the flight. Nothing else really happened, we went out during the day to lunch and then stopped at my house to say goodbye to my family and talked with my stepmom. Then we watched a movie and fell asleep. Today, we went to Wawa to get breakfast (at Dan's request lol) and I took him to the airport and went to the dentist. Not much else went on, and now I'm waiting on this next 48 hours to go by so quick so I can see Dan again haha. It's so crazy how things have worked out but I love it.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Well it's been one heck of a ride...

But I'm thrilled to say, I'M DONE WITH FALL '09 SEMESTER! THANK GOD! I have never been more happy to say that. After two days of finals and work today I have completed the semester from hell. From getting mono to the loss of my grandfather, it has just been a whirlwind to say the least. I made so many more close friends than I had in previous years, I love those girls to death, too. They really helped me make it through this semester and I don't know what I would have done without them. So far for my grades I have 3 A's, 1 A- and one B+ which I'm pretty bummed about but I'm still looking at Dean's List :D !

Anyway, so today I started work at the office again. Gotta love CCHOB. I'll miss them when I won't have a job there anymore. There's a select few I won't miss though, but working there has been an experience to say the least. I wouldn't trade it for the world and I'm so thankful for that job. I didn't do much today though because I couldn't get back into the swing of things, but that's ok, I will be back to my old self tomorrow. I really spent most of my night over at Mommom's because she has a cold and I just wanted to spend time with her and I sat in Poppop's chair, it always makes me feel better. I miss him so much.

Dan came back today and he called me, I was thrilled, but I felt so bad because I was in CVS and I just wanted to get out of there with what I needed to get and call him back. Oh well, he didn't mind. I was just so happy to hear his voice, it put me in such a great mood and I missed talking to him online which we've been doing since we got off the phone haha. Now we'll probably video chat before we go to bed. 2 more weeks :) !

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Study study study

That is all I did today for hours straight. I woke up to a nice little email from Dan, it was so nice. I love waking up to "good morning beautiful" whenever I can, it always reminds me of the Steve Holy song, which happens to be my alarm haha. I miss Dan an awful lot, but I'm being really optimistic and positive for us, and still in such a great mood, he'll be home soon :D Then I was feeling all productive and ready to go to campus to study, I even packed a lunch, but then I walk outside and almost fall on my butt. So I go over to the road and it wasn't so slippery, and I decide to try to make it to campus. BIG MISTAKE. I made it down to the main road from our neighborhood, but that road was horrible. I have never driven in worse conditions. Thank God I made it home, after fishtailing down a hill and almost down train tracks and an even steeper hill. I definitely won't ever try anything like that again. I came in the house shaking, but thankful for not wrecking my car. After that I lounged around until noon and studied until about 6:30. It was insane, I'm so glad it's over though. Final numero uno tomorrow at 4:40 pm. I'm starting to study at 11:30 am in the library. Blah.

So I check PostSecret every week and this week there was a very special secret, near and dear to my heart. I emailed it to Dan :)

I'm in love with it, I want to make it the background on my computer or something. Well, the dryer just went off, so I have to put more clothes in the washer and fold more. Then hopefully pack. I can't wait to be home!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Good things come to those who wait

So my brother was just talking about Valentine's Day and his plans for them, and he was saying about how him and his girlfriend are going to spend it together. I just responded with the title of my blog post, because I really don't mind being alone on Valentine's Day. I know that waiting for Dan to come home from his deployment will be much better than spending Valentine's Day with him. I can't wait to experience a homecoming and all the things that come with it. Like how many people beside us military girlfriends/fiances/wives get to experience a first kiss all over again?

Speaking of Dan, he emailed me twice today. He said he was really homesick, and I felt horrible. I don't know what I can do or what to say to him, because I'll never feel that homesick ever. This is his first Christmas not at home, and I think that's what's getting to him. I'm going to get stuff together and send him a package to be there for him when he gets back from the workup. Maybe that will help, at least it will bring a smile to his face. I would do anything to be down there with him on Christmas, but I know it's for the best to not spend the money since he will be home the following week. I also felt really bad because I missed both of his emails because I was out to a late lunch with a friend that I haven't seen in forever. It was so nice catching up.

Today, other than going out to lunch, I studied and then went to a review session where I met a Marine, because I saw he was carrying all his books in an assault pack and wearing combat boots. He was like shocked I knew what his backpack was called and we were talking for a while. He was really nice. But after lunch, I came back and studied for 5 hours or so? It was crazy. I hope I do well on this final. I just can't wait to get it over with.

I hope Dan feels better tomorrow and that he has a chance to email me again. I just want to give him a huge hug and tell him everything is going to be ok, like he's done for me so many countless times. I swear I love him more and more every day that we're apart. Just the things he says in his emails, well, they get me every time. I can't wait to see him. 17 days :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

I should be studying

Instead I'm writing a blog and on facebook. Oh well, my finals aren't until Monday and Tuesday and I planned on studying all day tomorrow and Sunday. I just can't wait to be done. 4 more days, I still haven't started packing yet. I'm going home for a month so I guess I have to pack a lot but I'm going to get clothes for Christmas and I'm sure buy more when I'm home. I need new clothes, someone come be my personal stylist and dress me, I have horrible style. today I basically did nothing but study this morning in the library and finish another class, 5 down, 7 to go! We had to take an online quiz, and my grade depended on that but I got a 100% so I should be getting an A in that class too. That's 3 A's so far to add to my gpa. I really hope I can make Dean's List! After I got back from the library, we decided to cook tacos for an early dinner around 230. Taylor had work at 4 so it was nice to be eating, and I hadn't eaten since around 11. I just made a taco salad since I'm not much for tacos anyway. When Taylor left for work I took a quick hour nap and decided to watch this movie that my one professor had assigned us to watch and write a one page paper about our opinion on it. It was sooo good! It was called Darius Goes West. Here's the link It's about a boy with Muscular Dystrophy and how he travels across the United States trying to get MTV to pimp his wheelchair. I was really moved by it and I hope other people can watch it and get the same effect from it as I did. Taylor came home from work around 8:30 and he brought some food with him, so we just ate that and sat around and watched Say Yes To The Dress. (yes, I make him watch that when he really has no desire to). Now, I'm just contemplating bed so I can wake up early to study.

Dan emailed me again today, which I was really happy about. He's hanging out with a Cpl that I met at the ball and I also met his wife and they're both super nice. So that was really good to hear they're making the best out of being on the boat and trying to have a good time. He comes home in 19 days, YAY! :) I'm just so excited to see him again already, even if it's only been a couple weeks since I've seen him. Hearing from him even through an email just makes whatever mood I'm in go away, even though this really good mood is still around and here to stay.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'M DONE! :)

I'm done with my classes first semester of junior year! 2 more semesters left in State College and 3 more in college! That's absolutely crazy. Where has the time gone? I feel like I just started school here. I can't believe I'm almost done. I'm just so ready to move past the college chapter of my life.

Oh well, so today were my last classes and they were pretty fun. In my first class (which is basically elementary gym class which is all the stuff we did back when we were in grade school) was field day, so we just played games and all that. In my next class which is recreation for persons with disabilities (for my special ed minor) we reviewed and I love my professor so I'm sad to be done that class, though the final is at 8 am Tuesday morning. My last class was my science education class which is learning about robotics, motion and energy in the classroom we had a pizza party and presentations for our group projects. We got a 97 on ours but we presented on Tuesday, I think I mentioned that. I also really liked that class because the professor was so enthusiastic about the topics and helping us be successful. It's really great to know there are still teachers that care about their students even if they only get to know them for a short period of time.

Nothing else exciting really happened today other than it's 14 degrees out and with the windchill is feels like 0. Taylor and I had to go to the store to pick up some things and I bundled up like Ralphie from A Christmas Story (I can't wait to watch that movie on Christmas Eve, it's the only time I'll watch it and it stays on for all 24 hours that it's on TBS). We decided to make pancakes and sausage for dinner so we got strawberry topping and whipped cream. They were so good. I also added chocolate chips to a couple and ate ice cream and whipped cream and jimmes (aka sprinkles) with them. Then we watched Glee together since he missed it last night, gosh I love that show.

In other news, I got to hear from Dan again today, I was really happy. He emailed me 3 whole times, which is crazy. He said this one Cpl stole his phone and told him that he was texting me and all that stuff, but he's really not, so he just figures they're messing with him. He makes me smile every email I get brightens my day, even if it doesn't need brightened. I'm still in that crazy awesome optimistic mood, so we're going to keep that streak going. I think it's given me faith to be able to get through the deployment and know I can, even if it hasn't started yet. Gotta just keep thinking positively.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My life would suck without you

So I am obsessed with Glee and with this song again, because I just love how the casts sings it. The finale was soooo good tonight, I'm already excited for April and what the new season has in store. Gotta love my TV, last week I didn't know Grey's wasn't new so I was pretty bummed about that, but I was able to get all caught up which was nice. I also of course love all my TLC shows, which I need to get back into watching them when they're new and not re-runs.

About today though, we got snow! 4 inches, it was horrible out last night. It took Taylor a half hour to get home when it usually takes him 7 minutes. Being the loving sister I am, I was worried and stayed up to make sure he got back ok. I woke up and bam! No delay or anything and the roads were horrible. Penn State did an awful job of plowing but I must say College Township did a pretty good job in our neighborhood. I can't wait to be home, they only got rain and no shoveling. Though I did my share of shoveling today and didn't complain at all. Other than that just I went to my 3 classes I had today and it was the last time for the semester, so yay! 3 more classes to go tomorrow. Nothing exiting.

I got to hear from Dan today again. His email really made me smile, as it usually does. He told me he was super busy and barely got a chance to email me but of course he's like somehow superman or something and does it anyway. He never ceases to amaze me. I appreciate it so much. So this is like day 6 of my fantastic mood. I really hope it doesn't go away, but I don't foresee that happening anytime soon.

Nighty night, don't let the bed bugs bite! I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

On a roll!

In one week from today, I will be home sleeping in my own bed, done with school till January 11th.

In 17 days, I will be exhausted from two days of celebrating Christmas with my family, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

In 22 days, I will be getting close to seeing my boyfriend or already with him for his pre-deployment leave. I'm so thankful we get to spend time together before he leaves.

As you can see from above, I love countdowns. It's what gets me through days, knowing I can check off another day. December is such a busy month! I can't wait for New Years especially, because Dan will be home and we will be celebrating Christmas then. I start work the day after I'm done the semester to fund all the stuff I want to do while I'm home. I can't wait to work with those ladies again, they make my day (not all of them though, my select group of friends, which is most everyone).

In other news... Today I had a pretty lax day of classes except in my last class, I had a presentation. Our group did really good though! Tonight, I came home and washed the pile of dishes we had and then made myself some dinner and ice cream for dessert since Taylor is at work. I forgot to mention this, but yesterday I did some yoga, and I absolutely loved it. I plan on doing it 3 times a week for now then starting more and more! It's a great way to think about nothing and just focus on yourself. I haven't got much else to report other than that, OH! Yes I do, I heard from Dan twice, I love when he does that. The one liner that he sent me saying goodnight was just so perfect. It melts my heart every time I hear from him :)

Well, I'm calling it a night early tonight. Have a great night and day tomorrow!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Words just can't explain this...

I feel so happy, and it's the little things that make me happy, like getting a quick email from my boyfriend who is super busy on his last pre-deployment workup. It just makes me feel so appreciated that he thinks of me and takes the time to write to me. Today, I was actually really busy and I went to classes, LAST WEEK FOR THE SEMESTER! It was honestly the semester from hell. I cooked dinner tonight (tuna melts and some soup lol we were feeling lazy and it was snowing). I'm talking to my little brother about the Capital One Bowl that Penn State is playing LSU in, which him and my dad and stepbrother and his girlfriend are going down to stay with my grandparents in Florida for. They invited Dan and I to go, but we can't and I don't really want to go and neither does Dan, but the offer was nice. There's nothing else really exciting going on today, I have a presentation tomorrow that I'm pretty ready for considering it's a group project and I made the power point. Other than that, seriously I feel like there is nothing else to tell. Have a great night blog friends!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

No one can tell me I can't, I'll prove that I can

So today was kinda blah. I was having a horrible day because my mom and I got in a huge fight. She's completely disrespectful to my relationship and about it and I'm tired of it. I'm sorry that this is going to be a vent but oh well, anyway...She told me she doesn't think it's healthy that I never get to see Dan and how she thinks it's too hard on me mentally. Since when does she know what goes on in my daily life or my relationship? She's never been in my situation, nor will she ever be. Last time I checked, I was the one in the relationship. I've never been a bad kid or done anything to get in trouble, I don't drink, I don't do drugs, etc. Why does she feel the need to tell me my relationship is wrong and that it's harmful? I told her until she apologizes don't plan on speaking to me or hearing from me, that's how mad I am. I have wanted to bring Dan around since the first time he came home and she won't let me bring him over because I need to ask my stepdad permission. How ludicrous is that? I hate the way he brainwashes her sometimes. Sorry, but last time I checked I'm a whole lot happier and more mature than I've ever been. Thanks for checking up on how I've been doing mom, maybe if you called and asked about my relationship more often, you wouldn't come to these conclusions. Oh well, I'm done with her trying to say I can't do this, so I'm going to prove to her I can.

In other news, I just did some school work today, nothing big. I was really upset how my mom was judging me earlier so I just kinda decided to have a mental health day. I cooked dinner for me and Taylor, we had Shrimp Scampi with Linguini and I made some broccoli. I need to get some supplies to bake, I can't wait to be able to cook things from scratch. It's going to be so fun! Dan suggested last night in an email that we bake and cook dinner together when he comes home over his pre-deployment leave. I can't wait! No word from him today though, but that's ok! I'm just keeping positive knowing that this is getting me ready for how we will be able to communicate while he's gone on his deployment.

I'm going to end with a quote which is what I want to shove in my mom's face but it makes me smile...
"Contrary to what the cynics say, distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold. It's for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It's for those knowing a good thing when they see it, even if they don't see it nearly enough."

Good night all!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Let me just say that today has been one of the best days here at school, maybe all semester. For no particular reason either. It was snowing out when I woke up, that immediately put me in a good mood :) I lounged around all morning and did absolutely nothing and then took a nap since I didn't sleep really well at all last night. After my nap, I watched the SEC championship and was really happy that Alabama won. While i was watching and surfing the internet, I got another e-mail from Dan, which really made me super happy considering he's been gone for two days and that's already an e-mail every day that he's been gone. Then I responded and he responded again, which just put my mood on cloud 9. I absolutely love him and am so glad that he's been able to e-mail me. Somehow he always makes me smile even when I don't want to.

Anyway... now I'm just watching tv and waiting for my brother to get home so maybe we can bake gingerbread cookies (of course if you don't need eggs since we don't have any). My parents told me to come up with a Christmas list, but I have no idea what I want or need, which is absolutely nothing. For the first time in my life this has happened and ya know what it's the best feeling in the world. I've just been so happy.

Here are some pictures from the snow today...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Well hello there...

I'm definitely new at this, but we'll see how it goes. I'm starting this for something to do. I like having a place to write my thoughts and share them and hopefully get some feedback or ideas. I should start out by saying, I don't know what to expect or what is expected here, so I'm just going with the flow. Enough rambling, onto the good stuff...

Typically, I'm a pretty shy person, but for some reason this seems like a good idea. My boyfriend is a U.S. Marine and he'll be deploying come January, so this is a way to share things. I actually heard from him earlier, which I wasn't expecting, since right now he's on his last pre-deployment work up and the communication on the boat is pretty limited. He'll be gone until December 30th and then he's on leave until January 10th. I'm getting excited for him to come home, but at the same time it means his deployment is getting closer and closer, but I'll cross that bridge when it happens. I'm not too worried about it :) Other than that, I'm very content with how things have been. This semester my grades have stayed pretty good despite all that has happened. I got mono about a month into the semester and then my grandfather passed away on October 17th. Needless to say it's been a rough semester and I can't wait for it to be over. When the semester ends (mine ends December 15th at 9:50 am!) I'll be starting work back at the doctor's office that I've worked at over the past year. Just another thing I'm really excited for. My new semester starts on January 11th, so I'll be getting a decent 3 and a half weeks off. I really just can't wait to have no school work, which I should be doing right now instead of writing this.

Over the next few days I'll write more interesting posts, but for now, that's what's going on.