Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Well it's been one heck of a ride...

But I'm thrilled to say, I'M DONE WITH FALL '09 SEMESTER! THANK GOD! I have never been more happy to say that. After two days of finals and work today I have completed the semester from hell. From getting mono to the loss of my grandfather, it has just been a whirlwind to say the least. I made so many more close friends than I had in previous years, I love those girls to death, too. They really helped me make it through this semester and I don't know what I would have done without them. So far for my grades I have 3 A's, 1 A- and one B+ which I'm pretty bummed about but I'm still looking at Dean's List :D !

Anyway, so today I started work at the office again. Gotta love CCHOB. I'll miss them when I won't have a job there anymore. There's a select few I won't miss though, but working there has been an experience to say the least. I wouldn't trade it for the world and I'm so thankful for that job. I didn't do much today though because I couldn't get back into the swing of things, but that's ok, I will be back to my old self tomorrow. I really spent most of my night over at Mommom's because she has a cold and I just wanted to spend time with her and I sat in Poppop's chair, it always makes me feel better. I miss him so much.

Dan came back today and he called me, I was thrilled, but I felt so bad because I was in CVS and I just wanted to get out of there with what I needed to get and call him back. Oh well, he didn't mind. I was just so happy to hear his voice, it put me in such a great mood and I missed talking to him online which we've been doing since we got off the phone haha. Now we'll probably video chat before we go to bed. 2 more weeks :) !

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