Sunday, December 13, 2009

Study study study

That is all I did today for hours straight. I woke up to a nice little email from Dan, it was so nice. I love waking up to "good morning beautiful" whenever I can, it always reminds me of the Steve Holy song, which happens to be my alarm haha. I miss Dan an awful lot, but I'm being really optimistic and positive for us, and still in such a great mood, he'll be home soon :D Then I was feeling all productive and ready to go to campus to study, I even packed a lunch, but then I walk outside and almost fall on my butt. So I go over to the road and it wasn't so slippery, and I decide to try to make it to campus. BIG MISTAKE. I made it down to the main road from our neighborhood, but that road was horrible. I have never driven in worse conditions. Thank God I made it home, after fishtailing down a hill and almost down train tracks and an even steeper hill. I definitely won't ever try anything like that again. I came in the house shaking, but thankful for not wrecking my car. After that I lounged around until noon and studied until about 6:30. It was insane, I'm so glad it's over though. Final numero uno tomorrow at 4:40 pm. I'm starting to study at 11:30 am in the library. Blah.

So I check PostSecret every week and this week there was a very special secret, near and dear to my heart. I emailed it to Dan :)

I'm in love with it, I want to make it the background on my computer or something. Well, the dryer just went off, so I have to put more clothes in the washer and fold more. Then hopefully pack. I can't wait to be home!

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