Friday, December 11, 2009

I should be studying

Instead I'm writing a blog and on facebook. Oh well, my finals aren't until Monday and Tuesday and I planned on studying all day tomorrow and Sunday. I just can't wait to be done. 4 more days, I still haven't started packing yet. I'm going home for a month so I guess I have to pack a lot but I'm going to get clothes for Christmas and I'm sure buy more when I'm home. I need new clothes, someone come be my personal stylist and dress me, I have horrible style. today I basically did nothing but study this morning in the library and finish another class, 5 down, 7 to go! We had to take an online quiz, and my grade depended on that but I got a 100% so I should be getting an A in that class too. That's 3 A's so far to add to my gpa. I really hope I can make Dean's List! After I got back from the library, we decided to cook tacos for an early dinner around 230. Taylor had work at 4 so it was nice to be eating, and I hadn't eaten since around 11. I just made a taco salad since I'm not much for tacos anyway. When Taylor left for work I took a quick hour nap and decided to watch this movie that my one professor had assigned us to watch and write a one page paper about our opinion on it. It was sooo good! It was called Darius Goes West. Here's the link It's about a boy with Muscular Dystrophy and how he travels across the United States trying to get MTV to pimp his wheelchair. I was really moved by it and I hope other people can watch it and get the same effect from it as I did. Taylor came home from work around 8:30 and he brought some food with him, so we just ate that and sat around and watched Say Yes To The Dress. (yes, I make him watch that when he really has no desire to). Now, I'm just contemplating bed so I can wake up early to study.

Dan emailed me again today, which I was really happy about. He's hanging out with a Cpl that I met at the ball and I also met his wife and they're both super nice. So that was really good to hear they're making the best out of being on the boat and trying to have a good time. He comes home in 19 days, YAY! :) I'm just so excited to see him again already, even if it's only been a couple weeks since I've seen him. Hearing from him even through an email just makes whatever mood I'm in go away, even though this really good mood is still around and here to stay.

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