Tuesday, December 8, 2009

On a roll!

In one week from today, I will be home sleeping in my own bed, done with school till January 11th.

In 17 days, I will be exhausted from two days of celebrating Christmas with my family, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

In 22 days, I will be getting close to seeing my boyfriend or already with him for his pre-deployment leave. I'm so thankful we get to spend time together before he leaves.

As you can see from above, I love countdowns. It's what gets me through days, knowing I can check off another day. December is such a busy month! I can't wait for New Years especially, because Dan will be home and we will be celebrating Christmas then. I start work the day after I'm done the semester to fund all the stuff I want to do while I'm home. I can't wait to work with those ladies again, they make my day (not all of them though, my select group of friends, which is most everyone).

In other news... Today I had a pretty lax day of classes except in my last class, I had a presentation. Our group did really good though! Tonight, I came home and washed the pile of dishes we had and then made myself some dinner and ice cream for dessert since Taylor is at work. I forgot to mention this, but yesterday I did some yoga, and I absolutely loved it. I plan on doing it 3 times a week for now then starting more and more! It's a great way to think about nothing and just focus on yourself. I haven't got much else to report other than that, OH! Yes I do, I heard from Dan twice, I love when he does that. The one liner that he sent me saying goodnight was just so perfect. It melts my heart every time I hear from him :)

Well, I'm calling it a night early tonight. Have a great night and day tomorrow!

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