Monday, December 28, 2009

What a busy past couple weeks...

I have been such a horrible blogger. I haven't updated recently at all because I of course procrastinate and have been running around getting stuff ready for the holiday which is over now. I'm kinda bummed it's all over but that's ok. I've been working my full time job so that's been getting in the way of being able to blog, which is a bad excuse. But the holidays crept up on me. Well after I blogged on the 16th nothing really happened until we got snow on the 19th, which was so awesome! Here, we got about 15 inches. I loved it. On Sunday the 20th, we had our usual family dinner at Mommom's and it was so great being with the family. Nothing much really happened the next couple days except for working, until Christmas Eve.

Let me start by saying Christmas Eve is my absolute favorite holiday and I love it because of the anticipation of Christmas. So, I got up pretty early and decided to flat iron my hair which is always a chore but it was for the holiday. Meanwhile, Dan had told me he was going to be at work all day, so I figured I would just video chat with him after we both got done work. He wasn't coming home for Christmas because he has his pre-deployment leave on the 30th. I asked him about his plans and of course I was awfully sad for him since he wasn't going to be home. Anyway, I went to work and was in such a great mood. I didn't really do much on account of the half day. After I got home from work, I started to help out with getting things ready for dinner, but then decided to go to the CVS Christmas Party (I used to work there and am still close with all the management staff and am always invited to the parties). That was really fun, I talked to everyone for 2 hours and ate a small lunch. I decided to ride up to my uncle and aunt's house to say hi really quick and meet my aunt's sister's new puppy, Molly. She is so cute. Finally, I made my way home to my dad's to begin the festivities there. When I got there, my uncle, aunt and cousins were there with their new puppy, too. She's also adorable. My grandparents were there too and it was nice to see them. I rarely see my dad's side of the family so it's always a treat to see them. Everyone came and we ate our dinner which as usual was delicious. I was just hanging out with my family and we were being goofy and taking pictures by the tree and all when my cousin Breanna looks out the window and says "Tori, that looks like Dan out there." I proceeded to say, "Breanna, there is no way that Dan can be home right now." I got pretty annoyed, because he had told me he wasn't coming home for Christmas at all. So people walk in the door and I'm nosey and want to see who it is and my family is going OMG and of course I walk out and see Dan standing in the dining room. I was sooooo happy, I couldn't stop smiling, It was the best Christmas present anyone could ask for. My Aunt Pat started to cry and everyone says I was crying, but I really wasn't. We then went to Dan's house and surprised his family, who no one knew was coming home. That was really nice because we walked in while his uncle was walking in and joked around and everyone was like woah where did you come from haha. Dan also gave me my Christmas present, which was a heart necklace. It has two hearts and the inner heart has diamonds in it and it's white gold. The two hearts are him and I because our thing is he's got my heart. He's so thoughtful. To end the night we went to midnight mass with my Mommom and sister, it was so long, but very nice. I dropped Dan off at home and went to my house to wait on Santa! lol.

Christmas morning, I woke up a little too early (around 630) and Santa hadn't finished brining his presents yet so I waited in the kitchen. Around 8 everyone was told to be up and we started opening presents around 830 and finished around 10. We go one by one from youngest to oldest and then snake back down. We each get 10 presents. I got the Uggs I asked for and a bunch of clothes. That was really nice since I didn't ask for much of anything other than the Uggs, there was nothing I really wanted. I got the best present anyone could ask for the previous night. After opening presents and watching the Hangover as a family, we went to my mom's and opened presents. There I just got some odds and ends and some stuff I could use for up at the house at school. We also got money to buy ourselves things we needed. I was happy with all the presents I got. At my mom's we had a Christmas lunch with my mom, stepdad, my siblings, my stepbrothers and my stepdad's mom and my Mommom. We had traditional turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc. Lunch was around two, and I stayed in my PJs all day and decided to finally get ready to go to my uncle's house. My aunt cooked prime rib and that was phenomenal. Dan came with me and there we played with the kids and ate dinner. I love my family and boyfriend. I couldn't believe how amazing of a Christmas it turned out to be.

The past couple days I've been spending with Dan. He was supposed to leave early yesterday but his flight got cancelled and the first one out was today at 3, so he took it. On Saturday, we just hung out at his house and we also went to the mall and it was so crowded. I hated it. Then we went out to a late dinner with his sister and brother-in-law. It was fun. Sunday we woke up early and Dan had his dad drive him to the airport and that's when they found out about the flight. Nothing else really happened, we went out during the day to lunch and then stopped at my house to say goodbye to my family and talked with my stepmom. Then we watched a movie and fell asleep. Today, we went to Wawa to get breakfast (at Dan's request lol) and I took him to the airport and went to the dentist. Not much else went on, and now I'm waiting on this next 48 hours to go by so quick so I can see Dan again haha. It's so crazy how things have worked out but I love it.

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